Thứ Sáu, 7 tháng 12, 2012

I will hug you forever with HCM cooking class

Medicinal Properties
A braised vegetable is very familiar and indispensable in a sour soup of the Southern people. It grows wild in ponds, canals, ditches and very easy to grow in food.
Today many families have looked braised vegetables to earn more income. Besides the above benefits, braised vegetables and herbs are also a heat effect only concept, detoxification target barrel, increasing the force the kidneys, increase urine output, to facilitate the sending stone. In traditional medicine, braised vegetables and spicy, slightly acrid, the cool, fragrant. But modern medicine in the study, braised vegetables contain essential oils, flavonoids, tannins should work targets inflammatory, diuretic, treatment hematuria, haemorrhage. Particularly braised root vegetables have the effect of muscle relaxants organs such as colon, kidney, thus reducing the effect of abdominal pain, etc ... In addition, braised vegetables can also be used to treat skin diseases, runny nose, kidney stones, cough, snake bites.
  Braised vegetables washed, cut fresh chunk doses from 15-30gr, excellent drinking water daily to treat cough, runny nose. For the case of kidney stones, use 20gr - 30gr fresh braised vegetables, pound, add 300 ml of cooled boiled water, drinking water daily chat.

Skin Treatment: Use pound braised vegetables, squeezed juice, apply on skin lesions associated braised vegetable cooking water to wash every day.

Treat poisonous snake bites:
- Use the 15gr braised vegetables
- 25gr radial joint
Pound little extra white wine, juiced drinks

2. Use in food
braised-vegetable   Braised vegetables can also use for topping or garnish to make more flavor such as Vietnamese traditional beef noodle soup, sour soup with pineapple, tamarind, okra, sour soup with tofu, lily stems, tomatoes and pineapple.

›› Recipe
  Sour soup with pineapple (serves 4)

I. Ingredients

• 1,6 l water
• 140g Night-scented Lily stem
• 2 tbsp of salt (for Night-scented Lily stem’s marinade)
• 240g okra (lady finger) (about 8 pieces)
• 120g bean sprouts root off
• 320g tomato wedge skin off (about 2 pieces)
• 160g peeled pineapple
• 160g tamarind paste
• 8 leaves of each (braised vegetable and long coriander)
• 4 tsp of sugar
• 4 tbsp of fish sauce
• 1 tsp of chopped garlic
• Cooking oil

II. Direction

• Skin off the Night-scented Lily stems, cut in bias of 4 to 5cm long. Marinate it with 2 tbsp of salt for 5 minutes and then rinse off the salt with fresh water. Set aside.
• Peel the tomatoes, cut in 8 wedges. Cut in bias the okra (keep the seeds). Cut roughly the pineapple in pieces of about 2cm.
• In a pot saute the garlic with oil until fragrant and then add the water, bring to a boil.
• Place tamarind in the strainer with hand, deep in boiling water. Use chopsticks to stir the tamarind until dissolved into boiling water (about 2 minutes) and then take out tamarind seed.
• Add in Night-scented Lily stems, okra, bean sprouts, pineapple and tomatoes. Bring to a boil during about 3 minutes.
• Seasoning with fish sauce and sugar. Taste and adjust at your convenience. Turn of the fire.
• Take out from heat transfers to a soup bowl and top with braised vegetable and long coriander.
I want to Hug you more with HCM cooking class program

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